I realized I never posted any photos from the Seattle leg of our West coast trip. I’m short on time, so here are photos! No text, too lazy.
While we were on vacation over the Christmas holidays last year, Dave and I decided to explore the less touristy / expected parts of Hong Kong. We went on a few “hikes” (in quotes because they weren’t very strenuous). One of these hikes was on our penultimate day of the trip, to Dragon’s Back in Shek O. Named ‘Best Urban Hiking Trail in Asia’ by Time Asia, Dragon’s Back is part of the 50 km Hong Kong Trail that connects five country parks.
The weather was gorgeous that day, and the path is pretty popular. There were lots of folks walking the paths with us. Dave and I had hiking boots on, which came in handy as some of the paths were surprisingly steep and rugged, considering there were children and old Chinese grannies hiking along with us. At the first peak we snapped a whole bunch of photos, because the weather was nice and the view was even better. We made our way to Shek O Peak and then back down to the bus route (less scenic than the way up) because we’d only left for the hike late in the day and the sun was starting to set. We didn’t make it all the way to Tai Long Wan (Big Wave Bay) so maybe the next time we’re back in Hong Kong we’ll get to explore more.
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