Author: Isabel (Page 4 of 4)

Ice adventures

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This winter has been dragging on, but Dave and I have been taking advantage of the weekend winter sun and going on adventures anyway. One of my favourite things to do is to go down to the lake and feed the ducks all our freezer bread.


Appreciating every day

Rosy Self

One of the things I want to work on this year is to be more positive.

I’m going to try to stop thinking negative thoughts about myself and others. Once in a while I get into a crummy mood, and I need a reminder to shake myself out of the Depression Spiral (haha) I’ve thrown myself into.

Note to self: Don’t let negative thoughts escalate!

  • Turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts
  • Do something that makes me happy (listening to music, being with friends, exercising)
  • Be grateful for what I have
  • Remember that everything is temporary, both good and bad

I know it’s kind of morbid, but I think about death quite a lot. But it reminds me that life is short and it’s better to spend that time being happy. I watched a Youtube video on mindfulness, where the dude points out that though we spend so much time worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, the only moment that we actually live in is now. Remembering that we never know when our time will end reminds me to be more aware and present in the present.

Looking back

Machu Picchu

At the end of 2013, my husband Dave and I were in Hong Kong visiting my family. I was having a lot of anxiety about the new year and my upcoming thirtieth birthday. Now it’s February and birthdays have come and gone, and I did not spend the last day of my twenties clinging to the guardrail of my condo balcony crying. Instead I spent it like a grown-up: wearing a leopard print Snuggie at work and later eating Japanese food with my closest friends.

So I guess the first part of this year hasn’t been as scary horrible as I feared. But I still think 2014 will be a year of big change.

I was going to review my 2013, but I’d stopped writing—the longest I’ve gone since I first started keeping a blog when I was thirteen and had discovered what the internet was—so maybe that says enough about how I felt about last year. But as part of my 2014 resolutions (see next post), I plan to be more positive and make healthy choices for myself.

Here were the highlights of my 2013:

  • I’m still at the graphic design studio I’ve been at since November 2011. The book I’d been working on since I started here finally went to print in December! It is exciting to hold a book you worked on in your hands
  • I started exercising in earnest for the first time in my life (sadly, not exaggerating). This was in preparation for a trip to Peru where my childhood friend GY, his friend LK, LK’s sister, Dave and I hiked the four-day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. And I did not die. In fact, we hiked the trail in three days, and got to see the Machu Picchu ruins at sunset and sunrise. Also not exaggerating when I say the sights were stunning(!) and the whole thing was a trip of a lifetime
  • Also spent a few days in May in Chicago (Hi Janice!), August in Montreal, and December in New York City. We spent Christmas in Hong Kong and Taiwan

Other notes:

  • As you might have noticed with our jet-set lifestyle, we spent a bit too much money last year. 2013 was the year of YOLO-ing too hard. Will need to be more responsible in 2014. Though our financial advisor tells us that we are doing pretty good in the liquid assets department
  • I started off the year with my hair down to my midriff. Now it’s above my chin. Snip snip, chop chop!
  • In April, I won a free ticket to FITC from RGD. I vowed to step outside my comfort zone and talk to at least one person. Now I have a new friend
  • My obsession with donuts
  • Went to dozens of Jays games
  • My ex-boyfriend and I are buds again (which makes me happy)
  • I can do one pull-up
  • My coworker and I started a side project, though we have yet to finish anything
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