Why everything that’s supposed to be bad make me feel so good? Everything they told me not to is exactly what I would.
Once, I read an Uberfact that listed the top foods that give people cancer. It was basically a list of (junk) food that I love most in life. Sigh.
I’ve been too distracted and/or unmotivated to do the junk I set out to do at the beginning of the year. I find I’m most productive when I’m happy, which is rarely, which in turn sucks (I did do the food icons above in a short-lived moment of quasi-contentment).
Though in this past week, despite living in a shitstorm of personal drama (much of which I brought on myself), I’ve come to terms that things in my life need to change, including Getting Things Done (GTD), because damn it, it’s almost June and I can’t live like this anymore (GTFO).
Work it bitch! (goals, due prior to September 2014)
- Illustration portfolio: update website to feature projects that I could submit to magazines, websites, for (small) freelance spot illustrations
- Stationery illustration: design and illustrate a few cards for my friend Sam’s business, Have & Hold Design
- Design portfolio: eventually update my design portfolio to include recent projects, in case I need to find a new job at some point
I’ll write a post about my actionable items later. I think just writing these things down and prioritizing them is a good step. I decided this after a coffee with my friend Ed on Sunday. He made me realize I need to figure out how to present my work better. At first I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry about how I’m a shit designer/illustrator, but I know I just gotta put in the work and be better. I just have to figure out how to take a step back and actually do this.
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